SORA-QAI Roadmap

Project Overview

This project focuses on two main products: the decentralized hardware-oriented cryptocurrency SORA-QAI, which incorporates AI and quantum resistance, and FromHDDtoSSD, which performs storage device inspections and statistical processing. Initially, FromHDDtoSSD was developed successfully, and later, blockchain technology was integrated with SorachanCoin, leading to further evolution. This led to the development of SORA-QAI, which incorporates quantum and AI resistance.

Achieved Milestones


  • Initial release of FromHDDtoSSD (same day as Bitcoin).

2010 – 2017

  • Implementation of drive inspection and data recovery functionalities.
  • Special focus on analyzing drive failures.
  • Use of big data for statistical analysis, despite its cumbersome nature.
  • Transition to blockchain for decentralization, scalability, and ease of operation.


  • Start of SorachanCoin development.


  • August 6: Launch of SorachanCoin (Genesis block).


  • Consideration of integration between FromHDDtoSSD and SorachanCoin.


  • Launch of the public testnet.


  • Official launch of the mainnet.
  • Implementation of basic smart contract functionality.


  • Trial operation of AI integration features.
  • Introduction of community governance.


  • Development and operation of SORA-QAI FromHDDtoSSD v3.
  • Scalability improvements in the blockchain.



1Q – 2Q:

  • Implementation of quantum and AI resistance in the core part of SORA-QAI [Achieved].

2Q – 3Q:

  • Development and release of mobile wallets for Android and iOS.


  • Operation of SORA-QAI Small Computer using small Linux-based computers.


1Q – 2Q:

  • Development of drones equipped with SORA-QAI Small Computers and their decentralized operation.

3Q – 4Q:

  • Continued operation of SORA-QAI FromHDDtoSSD and collection of new data insights.

Long-Term Plans

  • Conversion of AI-NFT addresses to sora1 addresses and their operation as smart contracts on the L1 side.
  • Research and implementation of autonomous AI control systems based on SORA-QAI, further advancing the decentralized network.

Community and Support

Community participation is essential for the project’s growth. Feedback and bug reports via forums and GitHub are welcome. Additionally, we offer robust support for developers, enhancing the project’s transparency and reliability.

Call to Developers

This project is ideal for those who enjoy developing autonomous control of small computers like Raspberry Pi using AI and blockchain. To avoid theoretical pitfalls, we first provide practical software features such as HDD/SSD control and AI-NFT tokens. SORA-QAI will be integrated into FromHDDtoSSD, offering these features and gathering insights. We provide a practical and enjoyable development environment, so please join us.


Usually, projects that allocate the majority of investment to marketing tend to be meme-heavy. However, this project has completed its basic development and now focuses on marketing, with almost all of the invested funds, more than 90%, being used for marketing. Additionally, development costs are covered by profits from providing our services to companies. In fact, SORA-QAI blockchain-based drive inspection functionality has been delivered to mid-sized and major PC-related companies. Below is the URL introducing the companies utilizing the SORA-QAI blockchain.


A lightweight version for exchanges has been developed, and we plan to actively increase the number of exchanges. This will also be included as part of our marketing activities.