SORA Online Wallet – API{"user":"user","auth":"passphrase","type":"cmd","cmd":"getbalance","param":"user"}
curl -X POST \ 
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \ 
-d '{"user":"user","auth":"passphrase","type":"cmd","cmd":"getbalance","param":"user"}'{"user":"user","auth":"passphrase","type":"cmd","cmd":"getbalance","param":"user"}
curl -X POST \ 
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \ 
-d '{"user":"user","auth":"passphrase","type":"cmd","cmd":"getbalance","param":"user"}'

This is the API for the SORA online wallet. We can perform basic operations simply by passing the following JSON to the v query.

The available APIs are as follows.
getbalance, getnewaddress, getnewqaiaddress, sendfrom, gettransaction

JSON structure:
data = {
“user”: “Enter the username. Example: sora”,
“auth”: “Enter the passphrase.”,
“type”: “Enter cmd or reg. Use cmd to use the wallet. Use reg to register user and auth initially.”,
“cmd”: “Enter the wallet API. Example: getbalance”,
“param”: “Enter the wallet API arguments. Example: sora”

First, register. [user: sora, passphrase: inu]

Check the balance.

Get the bitcoin-ECDSA address starting with S.

Get the SORA-QAI address starting with sora1.

Send SORA to the specified address.
{"user":"sora","auth":"inu","type":"cmd","cmd":"sendfrom","param":"sora address amount"}

Retrieve transaction information.